
Offline shopping at online prices

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Retail transformation

No one expects offline stores to disappear. However, offline shopping seems to be decreasing as people shop more and more online. People still go to offline stores to sample real products, but later they shop online to save money. Here is the solution:

Why don’t we just help offline shoppers purchase at better prices than online?

This patent is the answer.


  • Online retailers and offline shoppers meet in a showroom setting 
  • Prices change on the e-price tag
  • Online retailers bid in a reverse-auction system, resulting in a price drop 
"The patent is about showroom-style offline stores where online retailers can sell their products to in-store shoppers. To drop prices more, the e-pricetag applies a reverse-auction system in which online retailers bid to offer lower prices"
Tae Sung Chung

Electronic price tag (e-pricetag)

Prices change on the e-pricetag as online retailers bid in a reverse-auction system, pushing prices lower. The device has a card swiper that can scan a credit card as well as a cart card (refer to the below).

It enables shoppers to do online shopping in brick-n-motar stores as well as on street.

Cart card

The cart card is used for two important roles:
1. Record the purchase price at swipe time.
2. Allows offline shoppers to pay by cash at the cashier

e-pricetags on streets

e-pricetags in showrooms

Online Video Search

Because they are searched by similar key words, results from Youtube videos tend to have information that overlaps. We often have to watch multiple Youtube videos containing scattered information to gain a good understanding of a topic, which can result in hours of wasted timeAdditionally, some videos can be great in terms of quality and information, but many can fail to meet our expectations. 

Why don’t we just organize videos by subject matter?

If videos are organized by subjects, we can easily curate videos into a single source of information.

How can we organize videos?

This patent is the answer.


  • Videos will be organized by subject in a hierarchical tree structure, called a video map (v-map). 
  • Each v-map represents a single subject / topic. 
  • v-maps are not allowed to be merged or composed into a single huge v-map

For this patent, we have opened a website,, where people can create a v-map about a subject, and organize Youtube videos into hierarchical sub-subjects. 

Example: v-map
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